Uses of Record Class
Packages that use Complex
Uses of Complex in rocks.palaiologos.maja
Fields in rocks.palaiologos.maja declared as ComplexModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final Complex
static final Complex
The imaginary unit.static final Complex
static final Complex
static final Complex
Methods in rocks.palaiologos.maja that return ComplexModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Complex
Compute the absolute values of parts of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the arcus cosine of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic arccosine of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the arcus cotangent of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic arccotangent of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the arcus cosecant of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic arccosecant of a complex number.static Complex
Add a complex number and a real number.static Complex
Add a complex number and a real number.static Complex
Add two complex numbers together.static Complex[]
Compute the value of the Airy Ai, Ai', Bi and Bi' functions at the specified point.static Complex
Compute the value of the Airy Ai function at the specified point.static Complex
Compute the value of the Airy Ai function's first derivative at the specified point.static Complex
Compute the value of the Airy Bi function at the specified point.static Complex
Compute the value of the Airy Bi function's first derivative at the specified point.static Complex
static Complex
Compute the arcus secant of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic arcsecant of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the arcus sine of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic arcsine of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the arcus tangent of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic arctangent of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the beta function of two complex numbers.static Complex
Compute the principal cube root of a complex number.static Complex
Rounds both the real and imaginary parts of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the value of the complex hyperbolic cosine integral Chi(z).static Complex
Trim insignificant real/imaginary parts (below machine epsilon), round up numbers where the real/imaginary part is very close to an integer.static Complex
Compute the value of the complex cosine integral Ci(z) at z.static Complex
Compute the value of the complex cosine integral Cin(z) at z.static Complex
(double x) Compute the value of the cis function of a number.static Complex
Compute the complex conjugate of a complex number.static Complex
Copy the sign of the second argument to the first argument.static Complex
Compute the cosine of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the cotangent of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic cotangent of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the cosecant of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic cosecant of a complex number.static Complex
(Complex z) Compute the value of the complex Dawson function (D-) at z.static Complex
(Complex z) Compute the value of the complex Dawson function (D+) at z.static Complex
Compute the complex digamma function.static Complex
Compute the complex dilogarithm of z.static Complex
Divide a complex number and a real number.static Complex
Divide a complex number and a real number.static Complex
Divide two complex numbers.static Complex
Compute the value of the exponential integral E1 at the specified point.static Complex
Compute the exponential integral using a formula that was revealed to me in a dream:static Complex
Compute the value of the complementary exponential integral Ein at the specified point.static Complex
Compute the value of the complex generalised exponential integral E_n(z).static Complex
Compute the complex error function.static Complex
Compute the complex complementary error function.static Complex
Compute the complex imaginary error function.static Complex
Compute the value of the exponential function of a complex number.static Complex
Rounds both the real and imaginary parts of a complex number.static Complex
Returns the value of the complex fused multiply-add operation.static Complex
Compute the Fresnel C integral on the complex plane.static Complex
Compute the Fresnel S integral on the complex plane.static Complex
Compute the gamma function of a complex number.static Complex
Domain extension of the greatest common division function onto the complex plane.static Complex
(Complex s, Complex a) Compute the Hurwitz zeta function of complex arguments.static Complex
(BiFunction<Complex, Complex, Complex> f, Complex a, Complex b, Complex c, Complex d, int N) Integrate a dyadic function over a finite interval [a,b] x [c,d] using the Gauss-Legendre quadrature.static Complex
Integrate a C -> C function using the Gauss-Legendre quadrature.static Complex
(Function<Double, Complex> f, double a, double b, int N) Integrate a monadic function over a finite interval [a,b] using the Gauss-Legendre quadrature.static Complex
(Function<Double, Complex> f, double a, double b, int N) Integrate a monadic function over a finite interval [a,b] using the Simpson rule.static Complex[]
Integrate a C -> C function using the Tanh-Sinh quadrature.static Complex[]
(Function<Double, Complex> f, double a, double b, int N, double eps) Integrate a monadic function over a finite interval [a,b] using the Tanh-Sinh quadrature, especially useful when singularities or infinite derivatives exist at one or both endpoints.static Complex
Compute the specified branch of the complex Lambert W function of z.static Complex
Domain extension of the least common multiple function onto the complex plane.static Complex
Compute the Legendre D elliptic integral defined by DLMF §19.2.6static Complex
Compute the Legendre E elliptic integral defined by DLMF §19.2.5static Complex
Compute the Legendre F elliptic integral defined by DLMF §19.2.4static Complex
(Complex phi, Complex alpha, Complex k) Compute the Legendre Pi elliptic integral defined by DLMF §19.2.7static Complex
Compute the Lerch transcendent of z, s, and a.static Complex
Compute the complex logarithmic integral of z, defined as li(z) = int(1/log t, t=0..z).static Complex
Compute the lower incomplete (non-regularised) gamma function of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the natural logarithm of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the logarithm of the beta function in the complex plane.static Complex
Principal branch of the logarithm of the gamma function.static Complex
Multiply a complex number and a real number.static Complex
Multiply a complex number and a real number.static Complex
Multiply two complex numbers.static Complex
Negate a complex number.static Complex
(Complex x, double n) Compute the Pochhammer symbol (x)_n.static Complex
(Complex x, int n) Compute the Pochhammer symbol (x)_n.static Complex
(Complex x, Complex n) Compute the Pochhammer symbol (x)_n.static Complex
Compute the value of the order-N polygamma function at complex z.static Complex
Compute the polylogarithm of s and z.static Complex
Compute a to the power of b, where a is a double precision number and b is a complex number.static Complex
Compute a to the power of b, where a is a complexstatic Complex
Compute a to the power of b, where a and b are both complex numbers.static Complex
Domain extension of the remainder function onto the complex plane.static Complex[]
Find all n-th roots of a complex number.static Complex
Rounds both the real and imaginary parts of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the secant of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic secant of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the value of the complex hyperbolic sine integral Shi(z).static Complex[]
Compute the value of the complex hyperbolic sine integral Shi(z) and complex hyperbolic cosine integral Chi(z).static Complex
Compute the value of the complex sine integral si(z) at z.static Complex
Compute the value of the complex sine integral Si(z) at z.static Complex
Returns the sign of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the sine of a complex number.static Complex
Returns the sinc function of a complex number, defined as sin(x) / x, except for x = 0, where sinc(x) = 1.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic sine of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the Spence function of z.static Complex
Compute the square root of a complex number.static Complex
Subtract a complex number and a real number.static Complex
Subtract a complex number and a real number.static Complex
Subtract two complex numbers from each other.static Complex
Compute the tangent of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic tangent of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the complex trigamma function.static Complex
Compute the upper incomplete (non-regularised) gamma function of a complex number.static Complex
static Complex
Compute the value of the complex Riemann zeta function at z.Methods in rocks.palaiologos.maja with parameters of type ComplexModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic boolean[]
Numerically finds all roots of a polynomial equation P(z) = 0.static double
Compute the absolute value of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the absolute values of parts of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the arcus cosine of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic arccosine of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the arcus cotangent of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic arccotangent of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the arcus cosecant of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic arccosecant of a complex number.static Complex
Add a complex number and a real number.static Complex
Add a complex number and a real number.static Complex
Add two complex numbers together.static Complex[]
Compute the value of the Airy Ai, Ai', Bi and Bi' functions at the specified point.static Complex
Compute the value of the Airy Ai function at the specified point.static Complex
Compute the value of the Airy Ai function's first derivative at the specified point.static Complex
Compute the value of the Airy Bi function at the specified point.static Complex
Compute the value of the Airy Bi function's first derivative at the specified point.static Complex
static double
Return the argument of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the arcus secant of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic arcsecant of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the arcus sine of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic arcsine of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the arcus tangent of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic arctangent of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the beta function of two complex numbers.static Complex
Compute the principal cube root of a complex number.static Complex
Rounds both the real and imaginary parts of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the value of the complex hyperbolic cosine integral Chi(z).static Complex
Trim insignificant real/imaginary parts (below machine epsilon), round up numbers where the real/imaginary part is very close to an integer.static Complex
Compute the value of the complex cosine integral Ci(z) at z.static Complex
Compute the value of the complex cosine integral Cin(z) at z.static Complex
Compute the complex conjugate of a complex number.static Complex
Copy the sign of the second argument to the first argument.static Complex
Compute the cosine of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the cotangent of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic cotangent of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the cosecant of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic cosecant of a complex number.static Complex
(Complex z) Compute the value of the complex Dawson function (D-) at z.static Complex
(Complex z) Compute the value of the complex Dawson function (D+) at z.static Complex
Compute the complex digamma function.static Complex
Compute the complex dilogarithm of z.static Complex
Divide a complex number and a real number.static Complex
Divide a complex number and a real number.static Complex
Divide two complex numbers.static Complex
Compute the value of the exponential integral E1 at the specified point.static Complex
Compute the exponential integral using a formula that was revealed to me in a dream:static Complex
Compute the value of the complementary exponential integral Ein at the specified point.static Complex
Compute the value of the complex generalised exponential integral E_n(z).static boolean
Compare two numbers for equality.static boolean
Compare two numbers for equality.static boolean
Compare two numbers for equality.static boolean
Compare two complex numbers for equality.static Complex
Compute the complex error function.static Complex
Compute the complex complementary error function.static Complex
Compute the complex imaginary error function.static Complex
Compute the value of the exponential function of a complex number.static Complex
Rounds both the real and imaginary parts of a complex number.static Complex
Returns the value of the complex fused multiply-add operation.static Complex
Compute the Fresnel C integral on the complex plane.static Complex
Compute the Fresnel S integral on the complex plane.static Complex
Compute the gamma function of a complex number.static Complex
Domain extension of the greatest common division function onto the complex plane.static Complex
(Complex s, Complex a) Compute the Hurwitz zeta function of complex arguments.static Complex
(BiFunction<Complex, Complex, Complex> f, Complex a, Complex b, Complex c, Complex d, int N) Integrate a dyadic function over a finite interval [a,b] x [c,d] using the Gauss-Legendre quadrature.static Complex
Integrate a C -> C function using the Gauss-Legendre quadrature.static Complex[]
Integrate a C -> C function using the Tanh-Sinh quadrature.static boolean
(Complex c) static boolean
static Complex
Compute the specified branch of the complex Lambert W function of z.static Complex
Domain extension of the least common multiple function onto the complex plane.static Complex
Compute the Legendre D elliptic integral defined by DLMF §19.2.6static Complex
Compute the Legendre E elliptic integral defined by DLMF §19.2.5static Complex
Compute the Legendre F elliptic integral defined by DLMF §19.2.4static Complex
(Complex phi, Complex alpha, Complex k) Compute the Legendre Pi elliptic integral defined by DLMF §19.2.7static Complex
Compute the Lerch transcendent of z, s, and a.static Complex
Compute the complex logarithmic integral of z, defined as li(z) = int(1/log t, t=0..z).static Complex
Compute the lower incomplete (non-regularised) gamma function of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the natural logarithm of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the logarithm of the beta function in the complex plane.static Complex
Principal branch of the logarithm of the gamma function.static Complex
Multiply a complex number and a real number.static Complex
Multiply a complex number and a real number.static Complex
Multiply two complex numbers.static boolean
Compare two numbers for inequality.static boolean
Compare two numbers for inequality.static boolean
Compare two numbers for inequality.static Complex
Negate a complex number.static Complex
(Complex x, double n) Compute the Pochhammer symbol (x)_n.static Complex
(Complex x, int n) Compute the Pochhammer symbol (x)_n.static Complex
(Complex x, Complex n) Compute the Pochhammer symbol (x)_n.static Complex
Compute the value of the order-N polygamma function at complex z.static Complex
Compute the polylogarithm of s and z.static Complex
Compute a to the power of b, where a is a double precision number and b is a complex number.static Complex
Compute a to the power of b, where a is a complexstatic Complex
Compute a to the power of b, where a and b are both complex numbers.static Complex
Domain extension of the remainder function onto the complex plane.static Complex[]
Find all n-th roots of a complex number.static Complex
Rounds both the real and imaginary parts of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the secant of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic secant of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the value of the complex hyperbolic sine integral Shi(z).static Complex[]
Compute the value of the complex hyperbolic sine integral Shi(z) and complex hyperbolic cosine integral Chi(z).static Complex
Compute the value of the complex sine integral si(z) at z.static Complex
Compute the value of the complex sine integral Si(z) at z.static Complex
Returns the sign of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the sine of a complex number.static Complex
Returns the sinc function of a complex number, defined as sin(x) / x, except for x = 0, where sinc(x) = 1.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic sine of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the Spence function of z.static Complex
Compute the square root of a complex number.static Complex
Subtract a complex number and a real number.static Complex
Subtract a complex number and a real number.static Complex
Subtract two complex numbers from each other.static Complex
Compute the tangent of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the hyperbolic tangent of a complex number.static Complex
Compute the complex trigamma function.static Complex
Compute the upper incomplete (non-regularised) gamma function of a complex number.static Complex
static Complex
Compute the value of the complex Riemann zeta function at z.Method parameters in rocks.palaiologos.maja with type arguments of type ComplexModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Complex
(BiFunction<Complex, Complex, Complex> f, Complex a, Complex b, Complex c, Complex d, int N) Integrate a dyadic function over a finite interval [a,b] x [c,d] using the Gauss-Legendre quadrature.static Complex
(BiFunction<Complex, Complex, Complex> f, Complex a, Complex b, Complex c, Complex d, int N) Integrate a dyadic function over a finite interval [a,b] x [c,d] using the Gauss-Legendre quadrature.static Complex
(BiFunction<Complex, Complex, Complex> f, Complex a, Complex b, Complex c, Complex d, int N) Integrate a dyadic function over a finite interval [a,b] x [c,d] using the Gauss-Legendre quadrature.static Complex
Integrate a C -> C function using the Gauss-Legendre quadrature.static Complex
Integrate a C -> C function using the Gauss-Legendre quadrature.static Complex
(Function<Double, Complex> f, double a, double b, int N) Integrate a monadic function over a finite interval [a,b] using the Gauss-Legendre quadrature.static Complex
(Function<Double, Complex> f, double a, double b, int N) Integrate a monadic function over a finite interval [a,b] using the Simpson rule.static Complex[]
Integrate a C -> C function using the Tanh-Sinh quadrature.static Complex[]
Integrate a C -> C function using the Tanh-Sinh quadrature.static Complex[]
(Function<Double, Complex> f, double a, double b, int N, double eps) Integrate a monadic function over a finite interval [a,b] using the Tanh-Sinh quadrature, especially useful when singularities or infinite derivatives exist at one or both endpoints. -
Uses of Complex in rocks.palaiologos.maja.matrix
Methods in rocks.palaiologos.maja.matrix that return ComplexModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionComplex[]
Returns the value of thee
record component.Method parameters in rocks.palaiologos.maja.matrix with type arguments of type ComplexModifier and
(Matrix<Complex> another, BiFunction<Complex, Complex, Complex> scalar, BiFunction<Complex, Complex, Complex> vector)
(Matrix<Complex> another, BiFunction<Complex, Complex, Complex> scalar, BiFunction<Complex, Complex, Complex> vector)
(Matrix<Complex> another, BiFunction<Complex, Complex, Complex> scalar, BiFunction<Complex, Complex, Complex> vector)
(Matrix<Complex> another, BiFunction<Complex, Complex, Complex> scalar, BiFunction<Complex, Complex, Complex> vector) static ComplexMatrix
Constructors in rocks.palaiologos.maja.matrix with parameters of type ComplexModifierConstructorDescriptionComplexMatrix
(Complex[][] data) Creates an instance of aDoubleEigenvalueDecompositionResult
record class.Constructor parameters in rocks.palaiologos.maja.matrix with type arguments of type Complex